
Zion Lutheran is a 170 year-old congregation located in rural Hillsboro, Mo. with a 9 am worship service held on Sunday mornings and one non-communal service on Wednesday evenings. In 2015, we refocused our mission to be 'the serving arm of Jesus Christ' in the Hillsboro community. Through this mission shift, we discovered innovative and creative ways to engage and enrich our community. These became expressions of our deep conviction that we are loved in Christ and sent into the world to show that same love to those around us in need.



Grace Day is an annual day of service to the Hillsboro and surrounding community in which families in need can gain access to everything that a K-12 child needs to be ready for the start of school in August. In 2015, Over 500 people were served with the love of Jesus Christ on Grace Day. In 2019, Grace Day served over 1,000 people in the community!

In 2016, we launched a new service program inside the Hillsboro R-3 School District aimed at helping kids be kids. The Beautiful Feet Project allows the school counselors of each of the R-3 buildings to contact Zion and request new pairs of shoes for poverty stricken students in need of them.  In 2017, the Festus R-6 school district was added followed by Dunklin R-5 & Grandview R-2 School District in 2018.  In 2020, Zion is looking to grow in service into their fifth school district, Desoto #73.

In 2018, Zion launched a new initiative called Grace Day 365 alongside the Lutheran Family and Children Services (L.F.C.S.) to help provide counselors for the Hillsboro R-3 School District. Since 2018, counselors have been working out of the school buildings or a on site office located at Zion.

Education is also a key component of our congregation. Our Adult Bible Class is a phenomenal place to join in fellowship surrounding by the Word of the Lord on Sunday mornings, while our Lifelight Bible Study group meets each Tuesday evening in the home of Wally Kautzner. Our Sunday School and Wednesday night G.I.F.T. programs also offer the children of our community to be surrounded with the love of Jesus Christ for an hour long session each Sunday and Wednesday.
